Dried Red Dates

What is Dried Red Date

Dried red dates are a delicious and taste fruit for you.This fruit is a good source of nutritive and its benefits,types and popular uses is very much that we are mentioned them for you :

Dried Red Dates Fruit History

  •  Dried red date fruit has a long tradition of use dating back to the fourth millennium BC in Mesopotamia, and is prized because of its sweet taste, nutritive value, and long shelf life.
  •  The species is widely cultivated and is reportedly naturalized: Iranian, North Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and etc.
  •  Red date fruit is dried as a snack or included in an assortment of desserts. Many regional Middle Eastern cuisines incorporate red dates, as do Mediterranean cuisines like those of Italy and Greece. Dried red dates are usually readily available in most markets, and fresh dates can be found in specialty markets in season.

Dried Red Dates Nutrition

Dried red date retain most of the nutritional value of fresh red date fruits. The specific nutrient content of the different dried red date reflects their fresh counterpart and the processing method. In general,dried red date fruit provides essential nutrients and an array of health protective bioactive ingredients, making them valuable tools to both increase diet quality and help reduce the risk of chronic disease.
The combination of nutritional value and enjoyable taste is the reason dried red dates have been popularly considered a healthy food for millennia. Because they are naturally resistant to spoilage, easy to store and transport and relatively low in cost, dried red dates are a convenient way to increase the number of servings of fruit in the diet.
The following are basic nutritional facts on dried red dates :

  •  Like fresh red dates, dried red dates have very low sodium content.
  •  Dried fresh red dates are a particularly significant source of dietary fiber and potassium.
  •  Dried red dates also provide essential nutrients that are otherwise low in today's diets, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Thiamin, Niacin and Riboflavin and iron.
  •  dried red dates are so full of sugars that they won’t shrink much or get crispy.
  • Then dried red dates should be a part of your daily diet.

Dried Red Dates Benefits

  •  if you are suffering from an anemic condition, caused by hemoglobin deficiency, it can be easily cured by eating dried red dates on daily basis simply because of the high iron content in these fruits.
  •  Dried red dates are also rich sources of calcium which help develop stronger teeth and bones, also preventing conditions like rheumatism and arthritis. Other essential minerals present in dried red dates are Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Copper, Manganese and Selenium.
  •  Red dates in their dried are very rich in dietary fiber which helps clear the colon and provide bulk to remove the fecal matter. In fact,red dates act as mild laxatives. You can soak the red dates, as dry fruits, in water for a day, and eat them at night before going to sleep (also drink up the water in which they were soaked) to have clear bowel movement the next morning.
  •  It has been found that dried red dates can help people with a weak heart by strengthening the heart muscles. It is also advised the pregnant women eat fresh or dried red dates so that the muscles of the uterus are strengthened for easier delivery. Many body builder eat good amounts of dates prior to a workout, as it provides them with energy and strength to workout longer.
  •  Dried red dates, help improve your physical stamina as well as libido.Dried red dates are rich in minerals and contain several phytonutrients which are responsible for providing higher strength and stamina in the body.
  •  It has been seen that the antioxidative properties of dried red dates can aid in digestion and provide relief from conditions like acidity and heart burn. It can also help provide relief from conditions like stomach ulcers and colitis. It curbs the growth of several pathological organisms in the intestines and aids in the growth of friendly bacteria that help digestion.
  •  When you eat red dates as dry fruits, they are intensely rich in calories. In fact one red date can provide as much as 66 calories of energy. So eating a lot of dried red dates can make you gain muscles and bulk, so you can gain weight in a healthy manner by eating red dates. For people who are skinny, eating red dates can be a great solution to putting on bulk.
  • This vitamin-packed punch makes red dates great for people who are recovering from serious diseases. Making it even better for the sickly, dried red dates are said to stimulate the production of white blood cells, which improves immunity, and decrease the levels of cholesterol in your bloodstream, which helps protect the liver. Like acai berries and other antioxidant foods, they’re even believed to suppress cancer cells. Red dates can also guard against more common ailments. Because of their high levels of Vitamin C, red dates convert excessive cholesterol into bile acid, which helps prevent gallstones. Meanwhile, phosphorus and iron play an important role in preventing osteoporosis and anemia, both common in women.

Dried Red Dates Types

There are six kinds of dried red dates on the market.

  •  Shahany
  •  Mozafati
  •  Kabkaab
  •  Zahidi
  •  Shahabi
  •  Rabbi

How Do Red Dates Dry?

Red dates become dry when their moisture content drops below 20 percent. Dried dates are the result of either natural or mechanical processes.
Iran has strict standards for dried dates crops that involve sampling, washing, sizing and processing. Dried red dates are often treated with potassium sorbate to inhibit yeast and mold growth; sulfur dioxide is also added to preserve color. Before being sent to market, most dried red dates undergo a process — usually by boiling or steaming — to bring their moisture content up to about 30 percent. This added moisture usually makes the fruit more plump and tasty.

Popular Uses Of Dried Red Dates

Partially dried pitted red dates may be glazed with glucose syrup for use as a snack food. Dried red dates can also be chopped and used in a range of sweet and savory dishes, from tajines (tagines) in Morocco to puddings, ka'ak (types of Arab cookies) and other dessert items. Dried red nut bread, a type of cake, is very popular in the United States, especially around holidays. Dried red dates are also processed into cubes, paste called "'ajwa", spread, date syrup or "honey" called "dibs" or "rub" in Libya, powder ( red date sugar), vinegar or alcohol. Vinegar made from dried red dates is a traditional product of the Middle East. Recent innovations include chocolate-covered dried red dates and products such as sparkling red date juice, used in some Islamic countries as a non-alcoholic version of champagne, for special occasions and religious times such as Ramadan. When Muslims break fast in the evening meal of Ramadan, it is traditional to eat a dried red date first. Dried red date fruit is also very good as an addition to green salads.

In conclusion

So are dried red dates good for you? Yes they are. Dried red dates are very beneficial for your body and should be a part of your daily diet. Dried red dates are good for your muscles, stomach health, colon health, they provide immunity and strengthen your heart muscles – these are reasons enough to eat these delicious fruits on daily basis. Dried red dates make for a tasty snack or can also be eaten with cereals or oatmeal for a healthy breakfast.

Dates,dried red dates,benefits of dried red dates,types of dried red dates,popular uses of dried red dates, dried red dates taste, Nutrition of dried red dates, cultivate of dried red dates , dried red dates markets,vitamins of dried red dates,minerals of dried red dates, dietary fiber of dried red dates , antioxidative of dried red
dates , calories of dried red dates, Dried Red Dates Types, dried red dates Iranian, Popular Uses Of Dried Red Dates.